Monthly Archives: November 2004

Music is better than drugs. God is better than music. Nothing is better than God.

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Mr. Monk Smells the Cheese

Now that I have a journal, I’m wondering what I should write about. What happens during my day is generally pretty BORING most of the time, so boring that even I probably couldn’t stand to read about it. So that’s … Continue reading

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First post. New venture. A word of explanation. Why “thathobbitlady”? Because ever since I saw the first LOTR movie, and the question was asked, “If you could be any character in LOTR, who would you be?” there has never been … Continue reading

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Hobbit Haven

“I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve” ~Bilbo Baggins

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