Monthly Archives: January 2005


I just read Mary’s list of what makes her happy, and I was inspired to make my own. So, for whatever it’s worth, this is what makes me happy, and pretty much in this order: 1. Jesus. If you don’t … Continue reading

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It has been a lovely, lazy, long weekend. I say “lazy” because I got the chance to sit around the house and did not really allow myself to get stressed out too much (as is best in January) but it … Continue reading

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It’s January, the second worse month of the year (August has NO redeeming qualies, stuck right in the middle of hurricane season. At least January may bring cooler temps and virtually no chance of a hurricane, and there are TWO … Continue reading

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Everybody knows that when you go to the movies, it is a good idea to bring a sweater in case the air conditioning is too cold. Years ago I developed a habit of bringing, instead of a movie sweater, a … Continue reading

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Today I had a revelation, these words just came to be out of nowhere. It goes something like this: “Marriage is something that very many people attempt, but a great number of people do not do it CORRECTLY. I do … Continue reading

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Today I found…the saying I was looking for for 2005. You know how each year you say something catchy like, “The best I can be in 2003,” or “Going for more in 2004!” Well, at Faith Baptist, on my ride … Continue reading

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Today, I remembered…the great movie Amadeus. Tom Hulce plays the maniacal Mozart to perfection! I really can’t remember seeing him in too many other movies, but he did this role so great. I should have it from the library in … Continue reading

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One of the best movie quotes of all time, spoken by a disgruntler orc in The Two Towers: “I’m starving! We ain’t had nothin’ to eat but maggoty bread for three stinkin’ days!” I may be a little off on … Continue reading

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Today I saw…a woman in the Wal Mart parking lot who was wearing her shirt inside out. She wasn’t a punk kid trying to make a revolutionary fashion statement. She was a middle aged woman wearing a white shirt with … Continue reading

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