Monthly Archives: April 2005

Dreamy Latino

This is Nestor Torres, jazz flutist extroidanaire. Those lips, those eyes! He’s wearing a red shirt (for me) and is “lightly toasted” (for Mary). I’m not usually attracted to Latin men (the one major exception being Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite) … Continue reading

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Just a quick note to say that I have decided to give up couponing, because I just do not have time for it anymore, and it simply isn’t worth the trouble. It has been so liberating to be able to … Continue reading

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Awesome! Just went to Blockbuster and spent the gift certificate we got from Anna for Christmas (and had to add in some extra on Visa), but we got four—count ’em, four!—awesome movies: 1. Napoleon Dynomite 2. The Day After Tomorrow … Continue reading

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So here’s the thing: so far my novel is up to about 110,000 words and I haven’t lost any steam. I’m feeling so encouraged that I can actually do this, actually complete a work of fiction. This has always been … Continue reading

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