Monthly Archives: May 2005

I have nothing to say, but I do have a minute, so I thought I’d put out a reminder that I am still here. Too busy with both my lives, and this weekend taking a little vacation, so all is … Continue reading

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As lives go, I know mine is not very interesting. However, despite this, I feel exceptionally content most of the time. My motto for this Journal is “I make myself rich by making my wants few” and I really go … Continue reading

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Here’s a quick question for all those who like to haggle about semantics. Mary and I are having a debate about the exact meaning of the word “manchild.” Is this a man that acts like a child? Or a child … Continue reading

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Just a thought: wouldn’t it be great to go live in another place where everybody talked English, but with a different accent than yours, so that when they heard you talking they would all think YOU had the coolest accent … Continue reading

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