Closer has arrived, and is fast becoming one of my favorite BTE CD’s—tho they are ALL my favorite in some way. Sort of like your kids, you don’t have one favorite, you love them all, but for different reasons. It’s time to order Artifakt.

Went to the new job assignment. People and environment very nice, but they don’t have anything for me to DO!!! I’m just an extra body hanging around. In the future, I’m bringing work from my “real job” that I can do on the computer, and I’ll also do my own stuff, if it comes to that. But I’m not going to sit around and do NOTHING all day. That’s torturous! I also think I’ll be taking a lot of vacation time on Friday, which I wanted to do anyway, but now I don’t have to feel guilty about it, because it’s not like I’ll be missing any actual WORK!!!

More rain. When will it ever stop?

Also, I inderstand that the last birthday present I am waiting for in the mail is the DVD of the Disney movie The Kid. What a great movie! I love Bruce Willis, especially when he had hair. hehe! The whole idea of reconnecting with your “inner child” is so intriguing. Actually, to tell the truth, I’m not so interested in connecting with my inner CHILD at the moment. I don’t feel the need to go that far back. I am, however, reconnecting with my inner TEENAGER and that feels great. Maybe once I get comfortable with the teenager and work out all of those issues, I’ll feel the need to go back and visit the inner child, but at the moment I’m fine where I am.

By the way, this is the pic I have on my new keychain, which I went on and on about a few entries back.

Nobody has called me on it yet, but if someone should say something, I have my answer prepared: There is a teenage girl still very much alive inside me, and this is what she likes!

I have this scientific theory I’m out to prove. You know how some women can have “hysterical pregnancies”? They so much want to be pregnant that their bodies actually mimic the signs of pregnancy. Years ago I watched All My Children and there was a storyline like that. Well, I’m wondering if I can “hysterically” delay the onset of menopause by convincing myself that I am still a teenager. I know, I’m weird, but I think if the mind can have that much power over the body in regards to pregnancy, why not also in regards to menopause? You’re only as old as you feel, right? Isn’t that what they always say? Well, I feel like I’m somewhere between 17-25 years old—way, way too young for menopause!

I’ll let you know how it goes.

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One Response to UPDATE

  1. aravis_1382 says:

    Yeah, I hope I can get those people to SEND the movie! Gah on USPS! lol

    And hey, there is a plus side to menopause…NO MORE PERIODS!!!!

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