Writer’s Block: In The Money

If you won $100 this afternoon, what would you do with it?

I guess LJ posts a question on a daily basis, in case you don’t know what to write about. Okay, I’ll take the bait. If I won $100 this afternoon (or, tomorrow afternoon, as the case might be) I would go right down to Publix and order the wedding cake that Russ and I saw online just now and we both said, almost in unison, “Ohh! That one’s nice!”

I have no idea how much a wedding cake might cost, but I feel pretty certain that with the topper and the flowers (both which cost extra, according to the Publix Bakery website) we’re getting close to $100, if not already over it.

Anyway, it occurred to me that when people come in and see this beautiful, professional looking cake, there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind they are at a wedding (even tho it will only be at Russ’ parents’ house.) My dress is not likely to be spectacular, and the food will just be trays from the deli (not a fancy sit-down affair with placecards and waiters), but I think a cake like this could really lend a great deal of class to the proceedings.

And, btw, if there was any money LEFT after ordering this cake, I would use it to take me and Russ out to eat at Subway. πŸ™‚

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One Response to Writer’s Block: In The Money

  1. aravis_1382 says:

    Wow! That IS a gorgeous cake, and I agree. A fancy cake can help make all the other parts of the wedding seem more fancy. As for the price, weddings are, by nature, expensive. Save money by spending little on some things (dress, food, etc) but pick the few things you really like and go all out on them. It IS your special day, so treat yourself. Don’t be TOO cheap! πŸ˜‰


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