
Mary made me this new icon. Thanks, Mary! I am almost ashamed to use it today, tho, since this morning my weight is up, rather than down. What happened is that last night Russ and I went to the movies and I had popcorn and soda. Now, granted, I could have gone to the movies and NOT had popcorn and soda, and I really need to train myself to do that, but I was treating myself last night because it was Harry Potter, and I’ve been looking forward to seeing it, and the movie did not disappoint, but the scale this morning pays the price.

That’s okay tho, because I have some watermelon for breakfast, and a lemon to flavor my water, and a salad for lunch, and plans to visit the gym. I should be able to take this weight back down to where it was in only a day or two, but the shame of it is losing a day or two, when every day is going to count, and I look forward to fitting into my wedding dress. So, yeah, I guess I need to lay off on the treating myself for the next several weeks.

But the GOOD thing about all this is that the weight that is disappointing me is in the 180’s, not the 190’s. So overall, progress is being made. And overall, more progress shall be made. This is a temporary setback, not a reason to give up. Onward!

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One Response to BACK TO THE EGG

  1. aravis_1382 says:

    Oh, that weight will be gone by tonight as long as you eat normal again.

    I’ve had a temporary setback too, but mine is a technical one. And a stupid one at that. I got a new scale (which is broken now) and it was telling me I weighed much less than my old scale did. So, I sort of stopped trying so hard to lose weight, and now I am wishing I hadn’t because once I step on a true scale I won’t be happy. But my excuse is that I am going to start trying again once I go to Gainesville. lol

    Always excuses…:)

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