
Yesterday morning when I woke up I got so busy doing things that I completely forgot to weigh myself. So I don’t know if this pound that I’ve put on took place over one day or two days. But I do know this: FOOTBALL has something to do with it!

I have begun enjoying college football on Saturdays. Haha! Who would have ever thought I’d become a football fan? And I know some people might think, “Oh yeah, she’s just pretending to like it cos Russ likes it.” But that is not the case at all. Sure, he introduced me to it, to some extent, he’s explained the game to me, and a lot of the behind-the-scenes drama that goes on with the coaches and such, but I certainly would not spend hours upon hours of my time on something that I didn’t truly enjoy. Not when there are so many other things I also want to/have to do!

But anyway, what does football have to do with weight gain? Well, obviously you are sitting around all day, watching television. And there is something so…festive about football that it just makes you want to party and eat and snack and have a good time while you’re watching it. I think maybe for me a lot of what I think football must be is so wrapped up in holidays like Thanksgiving and New Years (“The Big Game”), and of course anything connected with holidays naturally means EATING!

So what am I going to do about this? Cos I do want to watch football, but I don’t want to pig out. Well, maybe I can get some kinds of “good for you” foods to eat (not the Chex Mix that we’ve had!) Also, I think I should probably make this an opportunity for drinking lots and lots of water. Put a slice of lemon or lime in the glass…or better yet, a slice of lemon AND lime, and then I have a truly festive drink!

Ah yes. I think these things might help. It only takes a little thinking things through in order to solve a problem.

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5 Responses to BACK TO THE EGG

  1. aravis_1382 says:

    I still refuse to believe, with every fiber of my being, that you can possibly *enjoy* football. You will never convince me.

    • Haha! By “you” do you mean ME, or do you mean “people in general”? I’m very curious. And why would you find it so hard to believe?

      • aravis_1382 says:

        I mean you. It is just so far from everything you have ever enjoyed, and you also disliked it with such conviction at one point.

        • One of the wonderful things about being human is that we have the capacity for *change.* Just because you once felt a certain way doesn’t mean that you must *always* feel that way. I once decided that I hated orange and purple. Now they are among my favorite colors. I’m sure you’ve had similar experiences.

          Also, remember: be careful when you make “never” statements (such as “You will never convince me.”) Those are the ones that usually come back to bite you in the ass.

          • aravis_1382 says:

            1. I was being a tad overdramatic 😉

            2. One of the limitations about humans is we are creatures of habit. Once we form an opinion, it is difficult (although not impossible, as you just said about the never) to completely get rid of that opinion. We form generalizations about people, and when people act in a way that goes against that generalization, although they have every right to, it stands out as weird to those who know them.

            Why did you hate orange and purple? o.o

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