What Do You Have To Say? – I Spy…

I see a photo of Russ, several years ago, when he and the Little League team he was coaching went to some big meet. There’s the whole team of boys in front, and Russ standing behind them, with this big, winning grin on his face, looking so cute. I really love this picture because Russ looks so good in it, but moreso because it reminds me of how family and community-minded he is. None of the boys are his son, but one is his nephew. He got involved in coaching because of his nephews, and stays involved with umpiring now because he enjoys working with the kids. He says that he wants to be so strongly identified with the field that the 5 and 6 year olds play on that it will be known as *his* field. I think this shows a real desire to be part of the community. And I love that about him.

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