Monthly Archives: June 2008

Random Update

I spent a good portion of my lunchbreak today observing a lizard. Actually, I think he was not a lizard, but rather a chameleon, because he was able to change color to match the leaves of the tree or the … Continue reading

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Writer’s Block: Where your memories began.

I haven’t been keeping up here too well lately, on account of it being very, very busy at both work and home, but I couldn’t resist this question. So here goes: I’m not really sure if it is TRULY my … Continue reading

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Writer’s Block: How I got on LJ

Mary introduced me to LJ. It was several years ago, back when I was still very new to the internet, and I found it just fascinating that there might be a place where I could keep a journal of my … Continue reading

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So here are some family photos, just for the heck of it. Enjoy. First…Mary and Joey, during my recent trip to Florida. Here’s Mom and Dad from the same trip. The two grandmothers with little John-John and Gabriela Later that … Continue reading

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When I go into my local Target, this poster is hanging on the wall in the Snack Bar. It always reminds me of Joey and Sarah. Someday, I’m going to get Joey and Sarah to pose for a picture like … Continue reading

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