Writer’s Block: Where your memories began.

I haven’t been keeping up here too well lately, on account of it being very, very busy at both work and home, but I couldn’t resist this question. So here goes:

I’m not really sure if it is TRULY my earliest memory, but it is my first VIVID memory. We were driving in the car, my mom, my sister and me, and we were coming back from this little mall in Great Neck. We had bought candy corn. And I really like candy corn. I don’t remember if I asked, or if my mom simply started explaining it to me, but turns out we were going to have a party, I think it was a birthday party, and I think it was for me, and candy corn was going to be part of the celebration.

I remember how excited I felt, knowing this was going to be a special day. And the specialness included candy corn. So to this day, candy corn is one of my favorite candies.

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2 Responses to Writer’s Block: Where your memories began.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Song Memories

    Hey Chris – speaking of early memories, isn’t it funny how sometimes you hear an old song, and it brings you back to a time in your life that was stored away in the back of your brain? I have the perfect example. whenever I hear the song “Black Water” by the Doobie Brothers, I always think of our family vacations to Florida, and you driving me and Don to the beach. I think you might have even drove a station wagon. We might have even heard that song on the way to the beach, but I’m not so sure of that. It’s interesting how a song can bring you back to your childhood, and get you to relive the memory in your mind.


    • Re: Song Memories

      Hey, Lori! You brought back a lot of memories by mentioning the Doobie Brothers! Also, I well remember the station wagon, it was RED!!! I do remember you coming to visit, but I don’t specifically remember a trip to the beach. It’s funny how memory works, isn’t it?

      As for songs bringing back memories, I know exactly what you mean. Most recently, the first winter I was here in Alabama, Russ and I were watching 24 on DVD, several nights a week. It was quite cold outside, and we would have the heat going inside. Now, whenever I hear the theme music for 24, it brings me back to that first winter. It was not that long ago, and yet it evokes very strong memories of what the house felt like and smelled like and how cozy it was to be inside, when it was so cold outside.

      I’m sure there’s tons more examples, but that’s the first that came back to me. So…thanks for the memories! 🙂

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