Monthly Archives: July 2008

I felt a rough but gentle hand on my shoulder…

I’ve just been reading some fanfiction (not my own!) and I ran across this sentence: “I felt a rough but gentle hand on my shoulder.” Now…am I being picky or unreasonable when I ask…What in blazes does that MEAN???? Rough…but … Continue reading

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Tonight we used our rice cooker, and as I was browsing thru the little instruction booklet, I found this highly amusing sentence under “Hints for Steaming” (as apparently you can also steam veggies along with the rice.) This is what … Continue reading

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Writer’s Block: Home is…

Home is wherever my sweetie is. At the moment it’s here, in our 1926 bungalow, full of all the modern conveniences… In a little while, hopefully within a year, it will be in a brand new house. Well, maybe not … Continue reading

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