Tonight we used our rice cooker, and as I was browsing thru the little instruction booklet, I found this highly amusing sentence under “Hints for Steaming” (as apparently you can also steam veggies along with the rice.) This is what the booklet suggests:

1. The ingredients must be of superior excellence.

I kid you not. I wrote that word for word. Superior excellence. The funny part is that the rest of the instructions sound like they were written by someone who speaks English as a first language. I guess they just really wanted to stress how important it is to use ingredients of “superior excellence.”

I would like to write more, but I’ve been very little in my computer these last few days, as I’ve been nursing a sore back. We took an overnight trip to Huntsville this past weekend, just for the fun of it, and it was fun, but sleeping in a strange bed and sitting in the car for hours on end I guess was not so good for my back, which had already been hurting a little. But I took a day off work and I’ve really been babying it with heat and pain relievers, and I’m n the mend now. But back pain can definitely slow you down.

But before I go, one image, from Huntsville. In the distance, those are mountains. Honest to goodness MOUNTAINS. And the wispy stuff in front of the mountains is mist. So this is a picture of mist on the mountains. Pretty cool, huh? I liked Hunstville. It’s laid out pretty much in a grid pattern, with very little chance of getting lost. I like places that make sense.

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