Monthly Archives: August 2008


One of the responsibilities of my new job is to take the “Deposit” to the financial office across campus about once a week. To do this, I have to take the campus bus. I actually like taking the bus. I … Continue reading

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I bought this bowl at the Thrift Store for about $1.50. I bought it because it brought forth some nostalgic feelings. I have a feeling that in my past, in my childhood, there must have been a bowl like this. … Continue reading

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I *always* drive with the windows down, so I am extremely aware of other drivers’ windows, whether they are up or down. For instance, in the Spring or Fall, when the weather is gorgeous, I look around and see 95-99% … Continue reading

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Well, Russ and I have been talking about this for some time, and we’ve finally got it going. We’ve created a user profile for and we’ve got some books and music for sale there. John told me Amazon would … Continue reading

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Last week I started moving into my new office at work. Moving into a new office is *almost* as much fun as moving into a new house. Well, not really, not quite. But it is fun. This weekend I went … Continue reading

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Writer’s Block: Where Names Come From

There is a story behind my name “thathobbitlady.” It’s not *much* of a story, but I’ll tell it. Mary introduced me to livejournal. Her friend Tracy also has a livejournal. Tracy’s name is “thatpirategirl” since she was kind of obsessed … Continue reading

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You know me, I love using coupons. So here’s my latest coupon triumph: The Crimson White, the university newspaper, had a coupon for a 99-cent grilled sandwich at the Crimson Cafe, a local restaurant on “The Strip” (the college hangout … Continue reading

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