Monthly Archives: February 2009

Writer’s Block: Priorities

Honesty. Cos if you can’t trust the one person you’re closest to, then what’s the point of anything? And what’s the point of even talking to someone, if you can’t know for certain that you can believe what they say? … Continue reading

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Almost every day at work, when I come back from lunch, I find that my computer is taking a sort of “siesta,” slowing down to about the speed of those turtles on the Comcast commercials. The other day, I decided … Continue reading

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I know it’s been a really long time since I’ve written here. As I explained in my last entry, Russ and I have been rather pre-occupied with the search for a new home. That’s really no excuse, though. Life needs … Continue reading

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New Home!!

Well, we finally did it, we found our dream home! About ten months ago, on the very first day we started going to Open Houses, we saw a house with a particular floorplan that we really liked. In all the … Continue reading

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