Writer’s Block: Priorities

Honesty. Cos if you can’t trust the one person you’re closest to, then what’s the point of anything? And what’s the point of even talking to someone, if you can’t know for certain that you can believe what they say? I mean…why bother even wasting your time talking to someone who might be lying to you? To always have to stop and wonder and evaluate everything they say, well, personally, I don’t have that much personal energy, and if I did, I could certainly think of better ways to spend it. Fortunately, Russ is one of the most honest people I know, and therefore being with him is so easy, so pleasant.

And there’s another important quality, and I might have mentioned before, but I have to mention it again. I always used to hear that “sense of humor” is an important quality in a significant other, but I never really understood what the big deal was…until I met Russ. He has such a wonderful sense of humor, slightly dry, just right for me. Every once in a while he’ll just pop out with something that makes me laugh, or makes me smile, and makes me fall in love with him all over again, because it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling inside to remember anew that we are “on the same wavelength.” Enjoying the same jokes is one great way to always remember that you’re on the same wavelength, and knowing that your sweetie cares enough about you to take the time to think up something to make you laugh is just about the best feeling in the world.

I could go on with another and another, but it’s late now, and we have lots more moving of boxes and steam cleaning of carpets to do tomorrow, so I’m guessing soon will be time for bed.

Good night!

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