Monthly Archives: June 2009


Mary has just been here for a four day visit, which was quite enjoyable. I’ll write about it later, right now I’m just a bit worn out from all the eating out and staying up late! But I did want … Continue reading

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I have decided never to get old. I think the mere act of making that decision means the battle is half won. I think if you’re not aware and committed to this goal, “oldness” can creep up on you, and … Continue reading

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I’ve just been looking at some of the poems that I wrote a long, long time ago, way back when I was in high school. I just felt like sharing some of these. Most of these were written 1974-1975 so … Continue reading

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Well, this might be somewhat of a personal subject, but I feel compelled to say something about it, because it’s got me so freakin’ annoyed! Bra shopping. What a pain! Here’s my issue: as anyone who knows me can testify, … Continue reading

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Every now and then I visit Target during my lunchbreak for a cheap hot dog and soda lunch. (I love hot dogs, but because they’re not really good for you, I don’t like buy whole packages to eat at home, … Continue reading

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