Monthly Archives: November 2009


Take a good look at these two pictures… Believe it or not, these two pictures are of the same person. This is Peter Jackson, famed director of the Lord of the Rings trilogy movies, before and after losing 70 pounds. … Continue reading

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I’ve started reading comics, and they’re quite fun. So far, I’ve read the first 10 issues of Spider-Man, and now I’m reading a few of the original Fantastic Four stories. At first I was reluctant to read comics, because I … Continue reading

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Buster was part of our family for a long time. He first came to us when Joe, my ex, decided to get a bird as a present for Mary’s sixth birthday. Of course a six year old cannot take care … Continue reading

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We are having Thanksgiving at our house this year. Everyone is bringing a dessert, and in addition to us baking a cake, Russ got the idea that he would like to have pecan pie, and he feels that Edwards makes … Continue reading

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First, my thanks to John for this photo. He put a link in his comment on one of my past entries, but I couldn’t get it to show, so I just image-shacked it here, hope that’s okay! Now, as for … Continue reading

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There needs to be an extra day in each week, and it should come right after Friday, and it should be called Footballday. And then after Footballday, we would have our usual Saturday and Sunday. Today, Alabama handily put away … Continue reading

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I’ve been looking through some old photos and I found this. At some point Mary and I made a trip to Tampa — yes, that’s Mary with the short red hair! And me looking a bit thinner. I don’t remember … Continue reading

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We have this program at work that serves as our database, where people are registered for our seminars and payments are recorded. It is my job to register and record the payments. Sometimes the program does not work correctly. Sometimes … Continue reading

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Well, I’m back. And just a little bit to say. Today I got to take a bus ride/walk over to the other side of campus, to deliver the deposit to Finance. I always enjoy this, as it gets me out … Continue reading

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It’s been so long since I’ve posted here that I’m almost surprised LJ hasn’t shut down my account. But here I am, and I’ll tell you why: lately I feel like life is just passing by way too fast! I … Continue reading

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