Monthly Archives: May 2010


I’m posting this from my phone, because I can. I’m on my lunchbreak at work, and while this takes a lot longer than at aregular computer, it can be done. Can’t imagine I would ever have anything zo important to … Continue reading

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Tomorrow is Memorial Day. A holiday. But I have to work. Which leads to the question…”What holiday?” I know I should have more patriotic spirit, but basically, my definition of a holiday is that it is a special day, a … Continue reading

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Today is my dad’s birthday. He is probably the most frugal person I know…which makes it difficult to buy him a gift. He hates to spend money, and will always seek out the greatest bargain, whether it’s a good price … Continue reading

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Well, Lee has won, as I predicted. But I want to take back something I said last night. Last night I said that Crystal SHOULD win. The more I think about it, though, I think really Lee should have won … Continue reading

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At the moment I’m sort of watching American Idol. I’ve been watching it for most of this season, and now we’re down to the final two, Crystal or Lee, the winner about to be decided in about an hour from … Continue reading

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This is the piece of furniture that is going to be delivered to our house tomorrow afternoon. This is, in fact, the VERY piece of furniture. We are accepting delivery of the floor model. You see, about a month ago, … Continue reading

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Just came back from WalMart. They’re remodeling, and most of the changes are pretty good. Of course, it’s confusing at the moment, not knowing where everything is, but I’m sure I’ll very quickly be able to adjust to the new … Continue reading

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I should mention that Boogie seems to be doing better. He’s gone through two different antibiotics, and on the end of the last course, he began to show some improvement. At the same time, I had a brainstorm that maybe … Continue reading

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Why does there never seem to be enough time for the things I want to do? I’m not talking about ALL the things I want to do. Just some of them. Maybe even one thing, something as simple as writing … Continue reading

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