Monthly Archives: June 2010


Do you, like me, find it just a wee bit disingenuous when your salad dressing bottle proudly proclaims , “Still only 1 gram CARBS per serving”? Carbs? Really? You mean all this time I should have been concerned with how … Continue reading

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Writer’s Block: Childhood Memories As A Kid

What is my favorite childhood memory of summertime? Family picnics. Big family picnics, in our backyard, or any of our aunt and uncle’s backyards. Playing kickball with all my cousins in the middle of the street. Toasting marshmallows. Late nights … Continue reading

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Yesterday John and Karin visited with the kids, and we went out to a nice restaurant and had a good time. It was great seeing them and catching up, and hearing all about their book business. One day Russ and … Continue reading

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Writer’s Block: Acquired taste

It’s not really that weird, but I like raisins in a green salad. I probably picked that up from my parents, who also add apples to a green salad. I like that too, but my stomach is not always in … Continue reading

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Russ is a funny guy. Just now, I was looking online at the Bose music system. Apparently they have a system that allows you to connect *wirelessly* to the music on your computer, and have it come out of the … Continue reading

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I’m cleaning out my files, and I’ve found some interesting stuff. I’ll share this one, which I printed and saved after I read it somewhere on the internet, several years ago: “I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht … Continue reading

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Russ and I are on vacation this week, and since we couldn’t get to Florida on account of Boogins still not being 100%, and we didn’t want to leave his mom looking after a potentially puking and inappropriately-pooping cat for … Continue reading

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I was going to write about Glee, and how it has become one of my favorite shows of all time, and who is my favorite character, and what were the most inspirational moments this past season. But then I found … Continue reading

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Oh, btw, have I mentioned…? I’m a gleek. More on this later.

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This is going to be one of those “I’m appalled!” posts. The other day I went into McDonald’s for my standing order lunch of a side salad and iced tea, and saw that they were recalling the Shrek glasses. I … Continue reading

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