Monthly Archives: January 2011


I’ve been trying to make an effort to eat better, healthier.  One of the things I know you should do is eat more beans, because they are full of protein and fiber, and no fat.  And I like beans.  So I decided … Continue reading

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January is not my favorite month of the year.  January is really just about staying warm, staying well, and getting enough sleep.  I’ve started trying to eat right, so let’s see how that goes.  Also taking vitamins.  Just bought some … Continue reading

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Today we took our monthly drive into Birmingham.  Mary came with us, and we visited an Asian Supermarket.  This place was HUGE and had every kind of crazy food, most of which I had never heard of before, and many … Continue reading

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I know I haven’t been keeping up here as well as I would like, and it’s pretty late now, so I’m not going to write a lot, but I have to share this little bit about Maru, the most amazing cat … Continue reading

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