Monthly Archives: September 2011


I love finding new music. Sometimes I come a little late to the party, but…better late than never! If I’m understanding this correctly, this band, Fall Out Boy, has already disbanded. But they’ve left behind a number of really fun … Continue reading

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I’m getting a little tired of seeing these disclaimers all over TV, you know the ones I mean: an advertisement for a new car driving down a curvy mountain road and in the small print below: “Professional Driver on a … Continue reading

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It’s been a good afternoon for Alabama football. We beat Arkansas by a very respectable margin, and better than that, we played well. Last time I wrote about football, I noted that our new quarterback exhibited “poise.” Now I’m noting … Continue reading

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Went to the doctor the other day for the annual physical and got a “clean bill of health.” He told me my sugar, cholesterol, liver, kidneys and everything else was just fine. About the worst he could say was that … Continue reading

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Very short and very funny:

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The Crimson Tide has started a new football season, and so far, so good.  Saturday’s game against Penn State was NOT a “given.”  From what I hear, it could have gone either way.  But the Tide came through with flying … Continue reading

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I’m getting,  ready to have a birthday soon, and even though I am not yet going to be 60, I’m getting close.  I found this quote by Al Stewart, one of my favorite musicians (you may know him from his hit, … Continue reading

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Having a lazy day around the house.  We went out this morning for a quick walk around the neighborhood, because the weather has been more…shall we say…”temperate” than it’s been lately, but after that, spending the rest of the day … Continue reading

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C.S. Lewis said: You don’t HAVE a soul.  You ARE a Soul.  You have a body.  

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