I’m getting,  ready to have a birthday soon, and even though I am not yet going to be 60, I’m getting close.  I found this quote by Al Stewart, one of my favorite musicians (you may know him from his hit, The Year of the Cat, but I know his complete body of work) and here he reflects on what it’s like to turn 60:

STEWART: “Oh, I think 60’s easy. It was 30 I didn’t like. My whole
philosophy about it is it’s bonus-time. Once you turn 60, no one takes even the remotest bit of interest in anything you do or say. It’s carte blanche, really, to be 10 again or maybe 12. So it’s like a second childhood, in a way.

“At 30, you have a responsibility to live up to some sort of idea you have about
what you want to achieve in life. By 60, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

There is a sort of freedom in getting older. ♫

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