Mom is “feeling very good”

I got a voice mail from Dad, and he kind of chuckled about the way I spelled the doctor’s name. He says it’s Tabry, not Tabloulli, or whatever it is that I wrote earlier. (Hey! I’ve just been copying what Terry texts to me.) πŸ™‚

Well, whatever that doctor’s name is, he seems to know his stuff! Dad says Mom is “feeling very good” and she is “a completely different person,” and probably tomorrow they will be moving her to another room. I’m imagining that means moving her out of ICU because she’s doing so well.

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4 Responses to Mom is “feeling very good”

  1. Aunt Barbara says:

    We’re so delighted to hear the good news………………..I’m sure Jan feels like a weight has come off his shoulders, as we all do. Thank you, Lord!!!

    • thathobbitlady says:

      Yes, it is a great “weight off the shoulders.” Nice to have this much over with. One thing at a time,you do what you have to do, and eventually, it all gets done!

  2. James says:

    Yes, I’m so happy to keep hearing good news. After her first operation we seemed to be getting one bad thing after the other, this is a very nice change.

    I guess the word of advice for us in South Florida is, if you need a hospital, go to Holy Cross! Thanks again Terry and Chris for these updates!

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