Monthly Archives: December 2011


Well, it’s been almost a week since Mom’s operation, and I just heard from her by phone, so I’ll give a quick update. She continues to be convinced that she is doing so much better after this surgery than she … Continue reading

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Mary and Ken visited “Grandma” in the hospital last night, and this is what Mary reports: She seems good, she is very optimistic about things this time She said she is very tired, but is feeling better every day She … Continue reading

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Mom called Terry today and reports that she has been moved to a “regular room,” out of ICU. They also took out the foley catheter, so now she has to walk to the bathroom, and as I am understanding this, … Continue reading

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Terry sent me this photo today in a text, saying a picture is worth a thousand words. I would say that smile is worth a thousand words! Who would have expected to see Mom smiling like that so soon after … Continue reading

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MOM UPDATE: Wednesday morning

Talked to Mom this morning. Yes! Two days out from surgery and she is making phone calls! She sounded pretty good. She said they have decided to keep her in ICU a day longer, since the fluids are starting to … Continue reading

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Mom is “feeling very good”

I got a voice mail from Dad, and he kind of chuckled about the way I spelled the doctor’s name. He says it’s Tabry, not Tabloulli, or whatever it is that I wrote earlier. (Hey! I’ve just been copying what … Continue reading

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Mom Update: Tuesday at Noon

I have just heard from Terry with some exceptionally good news. She writes: Just spoke to mom. She is doing in her words “exceptional.” No comparison to last time. 100% better. She is still in ICU aond doesn’t know for … Continue reading

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Another Update on Mom

I just heard from Terry again. Here’s what she says: Just got another update from Dad. He called to see how she was doing, and everything is good. They took out her breathing tube, she is sitting up and talking. … Continue reading

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Recovery Update

Terry provides this information: Everything is good…pressure is good, they are monitoring the machines. She has good hearing, which was a concern last time. I remember that now. I don’t remember why it was a concern, but it seems that … Continue reading

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Surgery is Done!

Terry reports: Mom is done. Dr. Tabulli said they put in a smaller ring. 28-26 cm. 2 cm difference. She has a connective tissue disease which caused a small hole. He repaired it. The disease is related to her shogruns. … Continue reading

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