Monthly Archives: January 2012


A milestone! A day we have been waiting for, for a long…long…time. Russ and I have been watching Dark Shadows starting at Episode # 1, and now at last today, in Episode #295…COLOR!!! Yes, you heard me right. We have … Continue reading

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Talked to Mom today and she sounded better than she has in a long time. She is out of the hospital and improving. I’ll post again if there are any dramatic changes in her condition, but at the moment I … Continue reading

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There is a new development in Mom’s health issues, I’ll post this portion of an email James sent me earlier: I wanted to let you know that it looks like Mom is back in the hospital again. Not sure if … Continue reading

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This post is not about Mom…it’s about me. I haven’t been feeling well for almost a week now, and today finally I went to the doctor and discovered I have strep throat! So of course I have begun an antibiotic, … Continue reading

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At Barbara’s request, here is an update on Mom. I spoke with her yesterday morning. She is home from the hospital, and the pacemaker is working good. The main issue now seems to be this urinary tract infection she picked … Continue reading

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