Talked to Mom today and she sounded better than she has in a long time. She is out of the hospital and improving. I’ll post again if there are any dramatic changes in her condition, but at the moment I would say that her recovery is on track, and God willing, she will continue to improve.

I have also gotten over my strep throat and starting to feel more like myself and take on some more projects around the house, cleaning up and clearing out. There is a charitable organization that sends a truck around every few months to pick up your “goodwill” items, and I think I’ll have some stuff for them this time.

Also, I am going to be trying a new kind of litter for the cats, one that is supposedly 99% dust free, and doesn’t “track” as much as some of the other litters. It got really good reviews on Amazon, and as a matter of fact, I was able to order a 40 pound bag of it from Amazon, with NO SHIPPING CHARGES (because we have Amazon Prime). I think part of the reason I decided to try this litter is because I was so fascinated with the idea of being able to have something that weighs 40 POUNDS shipped directly to your front door, without having to pay for the shipping. I don’t think our UPS guy is going to be too happy with me, though. 🙁

Also under the heading of “Getting Better,” I’ve been listening to our latest Dark Shadows podcast, #15, as I drive in the car, and I marvel at how much better it is than the first or second one we did. James told me this would happen. And studying what we’ve done already gives me ideas on how to do the next one even better.

I haven’t had a chance to talk about this yet, because I’ve been so busy posting about Mom, and then of course I was sick, but as we turned over the new year, I weighed myself, and compared it to what I weighed last year on January 1, and guess what? It seems that somehow last year I actually lost about eight pounds! It’s been up and down, up and down, but in the end, I actually did make some progress. And now, I am inspired to keep it up, and try to take off a few more pounds as this new year develops.

Well, that’s all for now. Just about time for bed, as tomorrow is a big day with lots of stuff to do!

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