Had a busy and productive day! Returned my library book before going into work, then finished up my portion of the quarterly reports this morning. At lunch I bought and mailed a birthday card for Ken, and after work Russ and I did some exercise at the gym. Now we’re getting ready for dinner, and after that we have a short bit of podcast recording to do. I love days like this, when you can just keep knocking items off your “to do” list.

In other news, I’m starting to lose some weight! About four or five pounds so far. When I was in the library about about a week ago, I took out a book called “No Sugar, No Flour.” I didn’t actually read much of the book besides the title, but the title was all I needed. I know from past experience that no sugar no flour is a tried and true method to shed pounds. So I’ve been cutting back dramatically, and eating a lot of salads, and drinking a lot of water, and not only am I losing weight, but I would also say I am “feeling better.” I think I have more energy. So it’s all good. And I’m encouraged to continue!

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