Monthly Archives: October 2012


Well, we really messed up Halloween. We started out reasoning that if we bought candy to give out to trick-or-treaters, there would be leftovers, that we really shouldn’t be eating, so the easiest and healthiest thing to do would be … Continue reading

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There’s an old adage that things happen in threes. Usually, this refers to celebrity deaths, but today I actually had three small injuries to my left hand. 1. This morning, I stuck my index finger with a safety pin. There … Continue reading

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There’s a “Meat and Three” restaurant in town called Southland, where they also have a salad bar, and the salad bar has cheese. LOTS of cheese. See that big orange block on the left? That’s cheese. I always get such … Continue reading

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Alabama is having a “bye week” this week, but even so, a big day of SEC football is about to get underway. As the ESPN guys are about to make their predictions, I’ll make mine: 1. Arkansas at Auburn. I … Continue reading

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The other day I had a couple of things happen that made me say, “Huh! Imagine that!” I got a kick out of these occurrences, and hope you might too: 1. I was processing the morning payments when the phone … Continue reading

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Driving home from work each day, Russ and I often listen to the Paul Finebaum radio show for all the latest news about college football. Paul often has interesting guests, including some of the TV commentators. Today he was speaking … Continue reading

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