Monthly Archives: January 2013


Haven’t done much work on my photos these last few days, but just now I’ve cleaned out my phone and found a few recent photos I feel like sharing, in no particular order. I don’t think I really got a … Continue reading

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I’ve just had a chance to sit down and go through a few more folders in my massive collection of photos, and here are a few more I want to share, from different times in my life:

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The beginning of a new year always brings out a yen to get things organized, and among my many projects, I’ve undertaken to organize all the photographs in my computer. Technology is such that it’s just too easy to take … Continue reading

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We hadn’t seen the sun in weeks. Literally. We’ve had so many dreary days on end, and then for the last week or so, it’s rained every…single…day. But then today something magical happened. The rain turned to snow, and for … Continue reading

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There is a prediction of snow for the morning. By some accounts, it could be as much as one or two inches, or even up to four inches, if we get some “heavy bands.” I’m excited to think about having … Continue reading

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Last week, Russ’ great-aunt Dorothy died. She was 93. She lived in the Tuscaloosa area all her life and was a true “Southern Belle.” Up until only the last few weeks or so, she was extremely active, going to the … Continue reading

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Well, it looks like it’s been several weeks since I’ve been here. In that time we’ve gone through Christmas and New Year’s, and then a nice three day vacation to the coast. Now it’s back to work (which is not … Continue reading

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