I recently got this idea to start documenting some of life’s most outstanding moments that really stand out above all the rest. Every once in a while something happens that makes you say, “Now that makes my day!” Well, those are the kinds of moments I’m talking about.

And here’s the first:

As any regular visitor to this blog will know, I’m a big fan of college football. Of course I mostly follow Alabama, but I also like to take a passing glance at a University of Central Florida game now and then. UCF has a special place in my heart because I’m from Florida, and because I feel that this is an “up and coming” team that’s going to see a lot more success in the coming years, and it’s fun to go along for the ride.

Last night UCF played the East Carolina Pirates and was way ahead at first, but the Pirates closed tha gap, and then late in the fourth quarter, scored a touchdown and went ahead! It was looking dim for UCF.

But then what happened? Due to some horrendous clock management by East Carolina, UCF got the ball back, with only ten seconds left in the game. With the first five seconds, they managed a first down. With the final five seconds, the quarterback put his entire arm into one final terrific 50 or 60 yard throw down to the end zone, and this is what happened:

Oh man! You hear about things like this, but it’s not often you get to see it. How outrageously fantastic is that? Ten seconds, three defenders, and only one receiver, and yet, against all odds, the game game is turned on its head and you win! Those poor Pirates looked like some sea serpents had just swept in and stole all their buried treasure!

Russ and I both let out a holler that had poor little Squee zipping out of the room fast as a streak, thinking, “What’d I do? What’d I do?!” Squee, not generally a big fan of college football. He takes everything so personally. But how else are you supposed to react to something like this?

In sports, sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. But sometimes, when you think you’re about to lose, and then instead you win—well, that’s a “Make my day” kind of moment. Now, of course, I personally didn’t win anything, but it renewed my spirit to see this fantastic, miraculous comeback. It made me remember that no matter what happens, there’s always still the wonder of possibilities.

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