I’m getting a little impatient. We all know, of course, that change is a good thing. He who is not busy being born is busy dying, and he who is not swimming upstream is falling behind and all that crap. So of course we strive to make positive changes in our lives all the time, just to keep up with the flow.
I’m trying to make some changes, but at this moment, I am feeling somewhat impatient. Everything is moving too slow!! It’s the same old stuff day in and day out. There’s apparently this school of thought in Japan about how little changes over a long period of time can effect the greatest change, and I know that’s true, but right now I’d like to see a big change!
Well, I did write a novel. That’s a big change. I’ve been going to the gym for over two months and pretty much watching what I eat, and some pounds are coming off, but only a few and very slowly. It’s so discouraging!
I just had this thought fly through my head, and I’ll put it out here in the Universe: that of course I know I am a person who values comfort and stability, so generally you will not find me whining about things not changing. Generally I like things to stay pretty much the same. But I had this crazy idea just now that someday, if I wanted to, I could apply for a job at the University in Berkley, CA and just GO THERE.
I probably wouldn’t do it while the kids are still with me, but when they are on their own, and especially if my current job gets to be too…how shall I say this …political….discouraging…unethical in management….and I wanted to get away, I could do it.
It would be especially nice if I was a published novelist by that time, so that money would not be as big an issue as it is now. I mean, I could do this one of two ways: if I had money, I could do it on the spur of the moment. If I don’t have much money put aside, then I would have to really want it and plan for it.
I don’t have adventures. But if I wanted to, I could. Maybe it’s just a question of wanting to.
I refuse to live my life routinely. I have a list of awesome things to do and as far as I’m concerned accomplshing them is the top priority (well, right under happiness). Money and property be damned! π lol Seriously though, I’ve no problem sleeping in the woods. Ah well, there is so much to he done, and I feel like I’m getting a good start on it π I want to live like the woman in Chocolat.
I’d like to say “If there is something you want to do, get up and do it! NOW!” but I can’t because if you did…well, you still have me and Joey that you are responsible for. I can’t give you any more practial advice except “You shouldn’t have had kids” lol I definetly don’t plan to. Kids are a burden…sorry!
Don’t worry! One day you will be able to just go and do whatever you want to…:)