I’m psyched! This afternoon at the gym, the scale showed the LOWEST WEIGHT YET, in at least the last 7 years. Honestly. Long way to go yet, but definately headed in the right direction.

An hour of cardio a day also cannot be a bad thing.

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3 Responses to LOWEST WEIGHT YET

  1. aravis_1382 says:

    AUGH! A WHOLE HOUR!!! ::jealous:: I only get to do half an hour! πŸ™ But it is 30 minutes of ludicrously intense working out, so maybe that makes up for it. I’m starting to consider you a serious threat to my winning this contest…I’ll have to take out your kneecaps πŸ˜‰ lol J/K!!!!!!!!! (J/K=Just Kidding)

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