Okay, first of all, I’m really slow. I’m going to post this great revelation I had today as if it is this wonderful new information, but in fact is is something so basic that everybody else has already figured out, but for me it was like…WHAM!
Like I said…I’m slow.
What I figured out today is that short women have this tremendous advantage over tall women. Of course tall women, if they are gorgeous, get to be the supermodels, but how many of us are actually supermodel gorgeous?
Also, tall women can carry a few extra poinds a lot more gracefully than short women can. So much for the advantages of being tall.
And oh yes, I would imagine you don’t really have to hem clothes so much, they just kind of fit right from the store. That would be a nice advangage.
But none of this holds a candle to the one really big advantage of being a short woman: a short woman is the perfect height for any man! Even if she hooks up with a man who is only 5’4″ or 5’5″, she is not going to overpower him and hulk over him. Short guys can feel comfortable with short women. I think a lot of short guys might have an issue with dating a 6ft tall Amazon woman. Kind of intimidating…Hmm??
I’ve been kind of tripping on this short guy lately (not anybody in the real world—the real world is deadly dull) so that’s what has made me think about things like this. You see the world from a whole new perspective when you start thinking about what it is like to be short.
YAY! go us short people! :)!
I think we should start a club…a secret society…
Hey! I just realized that as a HOBBIT lady (and as my real self), I would have no problem whatsoever getting into that club, probably even holding down a position of honor…
YES! Short woman > tall women. Also, short women look younger for longer.
Tripping on a fake short guy…Gordo???
And it’s especially good for me to be short because I like short guys better than tall guys.