I have decided to embrace the excitement of having a birthday. So this is just one more place where I am going to say “Happy Birthday to me!”

Many thanks to God for keeping me alive and well for another year. What a blessing! My life is all ahead of me now, all the good stuff is coming down the pike, and I am ready to embrace it!

A birthday is only a signpost along the way, but it’s nice to get to the signpost, and rest a while, and look back at where I’ve been, and nicer still to look forward to where I am going. Best of all, to look around at exactly where I am.

All is well. Loving life. Happy Birthday to me!

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2 Responses to HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

  1. aravis_1382 says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (LJ Style) I’ll tell you in real words in a few minutes but I had just woken up this morning and was not in a state to comprehend anything 😉

    • Anonymous says:

      donna again

      HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COUSIN CHRISSY …….HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !!!!! i hope you have (or had) a really great birthday ! i know i’m posting this late, but the wish is still the same !!!! i hope you get everything you want and deserve ! ……..Enjoy !

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