It seems like it’s been such a long, long time since I’ve updated here. Well, it seems that way, and I guess it actually has been. But things are about to change, and for what better reason than this….a Buffy update!!

Russ and I are now solidly in the middle of Season 4. It seems like it’s taken a long time to get here, but at the same time that we’ve been watching Buffy, we also began watching Angel, which of course began its run on TV apparently the same time as Season 4 of Buffy. Each show, of course, stands on its own, yet somehow I find that they are indeed so much better together. Of course, there is that occassional mixing of the storylines, but mostly I think I like the picture I’m getting of the entire “Buffyverse.” If that makes sense.

Now as for Season 4, Russ insists it is not his favorite season. From where I sit, I would have to say I don’t share his sentiments. I thought I might have a hard time accepting all the new characters and situations our heroes find once they get to college, but surprisingly I feel quite comfotable in this new world. Maybe because I so well remember the excitement of starting college myself, being out on my own for the first time, and can relate somewhat (tho, sorry! Can’t relate to slaying vampires on a regular basis!)

Now the best part of course, is the change in Spike. He has always been an intriquing character, but somewhat one dimensional. Here in Season 4, he becomes deeper, more multidimensional. Yes, in a way he is “reduced to comic relief” but at the same time can’t you just feel his angst over that?

Missing Oz. Big time. And Russ is not a fan of Riley. I like him, but then from my vantage point midway through Season 4, perhaps there are yet a lot of things I do not yet know. Actually, I’m quite sure of it. Knowing this show, the surprise would not be any particular surprise, but it would be much more surprising if there turned out to be no *more* surprises.

So, Russ is not a big fan of Season 4. And yet, he has a friend who says it is his favorite season. Too early for me to tell. I still have Seasons 5 and 6 and even 7 to go! Wow! Hard to imagine ever getting that far along. But that day will come, I’m sure. In the meantime, enjoying the heck out of where I am.

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2 Responses to BUFFY UPDATE

  1. aravis_1382 says:

    Yes, Season 4 is good for Spike, I love his role as “comic relief”! lol But he gets even finnier and even more “dimensioned” in Season 5 (where lies one of my all time favorite lines EVER!)

    And Riley is okay, but he’s not my FAVORITE character, ya know? There are other of Buffy’s love interests I like better, personally.

    I must say my major gripe with this season is the loss of Oz. πŸ™ And that whole Willow becomes a Wiccan Lesbo thing is rather annoying too. Almost horribly cliche if you ask me.

    Make sure you tell me once you watch the episode “Fool For Love”. I think it’s in Season 5 though. πŸ™‚

    • I just checked, and the episode Fool for Love is not in Season 4, so it must be Season 5. It may be a little while until we get there, since we are also watching the Angel eps at the same time. You may even be home by the time we get to it, so we may be able to sit down and watch it together!

      I am hoping Oz comes back. Don’t tell me! Don’t spoil me! Haven’t really yet seen Willow as the Wiccan Lesbo, that story is only just starting. But I do wonder what will ever become of Spike? And I also hope we will be seeing Drusilla again! She is just too deliciously evil and bizarre!

      One of my favorite eps so far was the one where Giles turns into a demon. We don’t really get a lot of Giles-centered stuff these days, and it was nice that the writers didn’t forget him. It was also pretty funny to see this horrific looking demon gently nudging Xander’s shoulder as he sleeps, and talking in such a proper British accent. Leave it to this show to find the zenith of the ridiculous!

      Anyway, nice to be talking Buffy with you again! Can’t wait for you to get home so we can enjoy some eps together!

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