The other day I had a couple of things happen that made me say, “Huh! Imagine that!” I got a kick out of these occurrences, and hope you might too:

1. I was processing the morning payments when the phone rang. It was someone who wanted to talk about a payment they had mailed in. As it turned out….they were calling about the VERY payment I was processing at that precise moment! Now, I take dozens of payments each day, and each takes at least a couple of minutes to process, so the odds of that person calling at that particular moment…very odd, and very cool.

2. Okay, here’s another one. We sell publicatons, we have about a dozen. Most of our customer buy only one book at a time. Well, the other day, a very enthusiastic customer purchased three publications at the same time. Let’s call then Book A, Book B, and Book C. Then, the next day, along comes another very enthusiastic customer, also ordering three publications. Can you guess what they were? Yep, that’s right: Book A, Book B, and Book C. Two separate and distinct customers put together precisely the same order of three books, only a day apart from each other. Again I’m saying…how odd. And how cool!

I know there are more effective proofs of God, but things like these reinforce for me that there is indeed some sense of order, beauty—and whimsy—in the Universe.

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