There’s an old adage that things happen in threes. Usually, this refers to celebrity deaths, but today I actually had three small injuries to my left hand.

1. This morning, I stuck my index finger with a safety pin. There was a small amount of blood.
2. This afternoon, I misjudged as I went to pull out a file and “stubbed” by middle finger on the side of the drawer. Saw stars for a few monents and took a tylenol.
3. At dinner, it was my index finger again, burning my fingertip and I pulled food out a tray from the oven. It hurt a lot when it happened, but right now I think it won’t actually be as bad as I first anticipated.

Piercing, poking and burning. All in all, it’s been an active day for my left hand….way too active. Hope I won’t have to do too much typing tomorrow at work.

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