
Yeah, I put a little back on. But that’s what happens when you go to Burger King at eight o’clcok at night and eat a Whopper. We had gotten so busy doing a bunch of projects in the house that by the time we looked at the clock it was seven, and by the time we decided we were hungry, it was eight. We had been so busy working, and it was also so hot in the kitchen already, the last thing I wanted to think about was cooking, so we went to BK with a coupon. It was nice. But this morning I’m paying for it a little.

I expect it to come right back off, tho, and not only because I intend to get right back to proper eating, but also for the very reason I mentioned in the last paragraph: we’ve been doing a bunch of projects in the house. These projects are mostly cleaning out the extra room, getting rid of a lot of unwanted/unneeded stuff (have three new boxes for the yard sale!) and organizing what’s left. We are actually beginning to be able to see light at the end of the tunnel!

I firmly believe that when you gain control over your environment, this helps you to also gain control over your eating habits and your health as well. There is a definite correlation between your environment and your body. There has to be peace and order on the outside before there can be peace and order on the inside. And visa versa.

And so today I go back to the task at hand. Plenty of paperwork yet to go through. I’ll streamline my papers, my weight, and my life.

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One Response to BACK TO THE EGG

  1. aravis_1382 says:

    My room is a disaster and I have been eating like shit. That explains a lot. Maybe if I clean my room…;) Seriously though, I totally agree.

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