
This puts me only one pound over my lowest weight since I’ve been keeping track in Alabama.

I am reluctant to say “my lowest weight,” because at one point in my recent life I had gotten down to…hmmm, probably 168, that would be my lowest weight, one of the stops along the way on my weight loss adventure. So I’m still about twenty pounds away from that. But I remember what that felt like, and I actually remember that I felt very GOOD way before I got to that weight. I’m probably only about ten pounds away from feeling GOOD.

Anyway, I will get there, first ten pounds gone, then twenty pounds gone, then even more. As for right now, this morning, I am delighted that I am only one pound over my lowest weight since I’ve been keeping track in Alabama. That means before you know it I will be back at 186.4, and then even less.

I took a little detour this weekend, but I’m getting back on track.

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One Response to BACK TO THE EGG

  1. aravis_1382 says:

    Patience is a virtue.
    Slow and steady wins the race.

    Both lame cliches told to kids and impatient people, usually, but they are so true. Especially with eight loss. You CAN lose weight really fast, but when you take it slow, you are far more likely to keep it off. So keep it up (slowly)! 😉

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