
I’m so excited because the idea I had to start a website for my Whimsie dolls is now up and running! It’s called Whimsieville, and you can find it here.

Russ helped me create this great banner for the site. I would have never been able to do this on my own. I love the images, and the lettering. I think this banner exactly conveys what the website is going to be about.

When we started our Dark Shadows podcast, we prided ourselves on the fact that NOBODY ELSE was doing exactly what we were doing. Well, I think I’ve hit another home run when it comes to being unique! But then again, nobody ever accused me of being mainstream…

Each of the girls has had a chance to speak once so far, and they’ll be speaking a lot more, since it turns out they have lots to say about all kinds of things!

Please go and take a look, and if you think you might be interested in hearing more from the Whimsies, click on the RSS link at the bottom of the page to “subscribe,” so you will never be behind with the latest goings-in in Whimsieville!

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