Happy New Year! So. New Year’s Resolutions. Yep. That’s why I’m here. Best to put it down in writing, get it out there in the universe, otherwise it’s not really real. Here we go:

1. Get healthy. Part of that will be losing weight, of course, but I want the scope to be so much more than just numbers on a scale. I want to eat right, and exercise, and take vitamins, and wear sunscreen, and in general just take care of myself. The word for 2008 is HEALTH.

2. Save money for a house. Russ and I have already started this. We just have to keep moving in the right direction.

3. Go back to church.

4. Update my wardrobe. After I’ve lost some weight. More on this later.

5. Type up my novel. My “Beatrice” novel, which I wrote in 2005, and has been sitting idly while I’ve been advancing in my real life, meeting and getting to know Russ, moving, getting a new job, getting married, etc. Yes, it’s been an exciting year for me! But now it’s time for Beatrice to have another exciting year. I want to get back into a routine, and that routine should include getting Beatrice into a format that I can begin to think about editing.

6. Put away all laundry as soon as it comes out of the dryer. The Laundry Monster has long plagued me, giant growing piles of clothes and towels, overpowering the couches, chairs and beds. NO MORE!

7. And this one is for Russ: Put away all discs in their proper place, immediately. I’ve been very, very bad about that. Russ is very, very good about that. He takes care of his stuff, and it stays in good shape, whereas my stuff….well, let’s not talk about that. It’s a new day.

And finally…

8. Keep up my LJ! I enjoy writing here, even if I’m not widely read. If you read, I thank you. And I promise to be more diligent from now on.

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