I *always* drive with the windows down, so I am extremely aware of other drivers’ windows, whether they are up or down. For instance, in the Spring or Fall, when the weather is gorgeous, I look around and see 95-99% of people driving with their windows up, using their air conditioning, and I think “What is WRONG with you people???!!!”
So, when, over the last couple of days, I am suddenly noticing maybe 15-20% of people driving with their windows DOWN, I know that something must be going on. Somebody somewhere said something that has caused at least a small portion of the population to make this change. But I’m asking around, and I’m looking on the internet, and I can’t seem to find anything about it.
Did somebody on Good Morning America suddenly announce that it’s incredibly more fuel-efficent NOT to use your car air conditioner, and for some reason, everybody now believes them and gives a darn? (I personally feel that not using the car air conditioner is better for your gas mileage in most cases, but apparently there is some controversy about this.) Has Katie Couric reported that fumes from car air conditioning has been proven to cause cancer? Did Michael Phelps request everyone in America to turn off their car air conditioners in support of the US Olympic athletes?
Now, here I’m assuming this is a nationwide phenomenon, and perhaps it is not. Maybe it’s just happening in Alabama, maybe just in Tuscaloosa. But I’ve looked everywhere on the internet and can’t find a single damn thing about it! The next time I go out in the car and pull up next to someone with their windows down, I swear I’m going to ask.
In the meantime, I’m asking here. If anybody reading this knows what the heck is going on with the windows being rolled down, please, please tell me!! I feel like a kid in school and there’s this big secret, and everyone knows about it but me and is laughing behind my back.