Every now and then I visit Target during my lunchbreak for a cheap hot dog and soda lunch. (I love hot dogs, but because they’re not really good for you, I don’t like buy whole packages to eat at home, so the occasional snack bar hot dog is a real treat.)

When I visit Target, there is very often a particular guy behind the snack bar counter who rings up my meal. He has a long, long dark ponytail. I mean long, long, practically down to his waist.

Have I ever mentioned that I really dig it when a guy has a ponytail?

Today, I went into Target, and there was a young man behind the counter….with very, very short dark hair. Military short. I looked at him and couldn’t figure out if ponytail guy had gotten sick of all the knots and trouble and decided to cut it all off. All that hair was such a part of his appearance that I honestly could not tell if this was him or not.

But if it was him, I was prepared to mourn. There was just something so cool about that ponytail.

Happily, as I passed by the snack bar on my way out a few minutes later (after buying cat food and yogurt), I saw ponytail guy! He was back behind the counter, ponytail still firmly in place. The other guy with the short hair I had seen was someone else, not him!

Now why do I mention all this? Only to say, I really dig it when a guy has a ponytail. Except for height, I think hair is probably the number one feature of a guy’s appearance that I will notice and decide whether or not I think he’s attractive.

And all this comes on the heels of another recent observation:

Last year Alabama did really, really well in football. But our quarterback, John Parker Wilson, (who was not a *great* quarterback, but he improved with time, and he was definitely adequate) has graduated, and now we are ready to break in a new starting quarterback, somebody-McElroy.

I can’t remember McElroy’s first name. And I can’t remember the way he looks either. I know I’ve seen pictures of him once or twice, but if I had to pick him out of a line-up, I just couldn’t do it. Why? Because he has short hair! And an unremarkable face. (My apologies to his girlfriend and his mother! I’m just telling you how I see it.)

But JP Wilson…well, anybody could have picked him out of a lineup. He had the HAIR. He has this sort of blondish hair that…well, never mind. Here are some pics:

And he has lips too, you’ll notice. The hair! The lips! Not that any of that has anything to do with how far or how accurately a guy can throw a football, but I’m just saying, there was no mistaking JP.

Okay, I think I’ve gone on long enough. The moral of this story is: Guys! Celebrate your hair!

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3 Responses to HAIR!

  1. Anonymous says:

    hair or not to hair……..

    Well, my opinion is that guys with long—long hair are just to lazy to have it cut. Short hair needs upkeep. When you mention a guy with a ponytail I immediately think of road construction workers- early thirties dirty, grimy, ride a bicycle to work because of DUI convictions, beer in the hand at 5:01PM kind of guy. Not very impressive. Other than Howard Finkelstein are ponytails accepted in the corporate world? I would still rather see a crew cut any day- to me its a sign of self assuredness, respect – for others and themselves. Terry

    • Anonymous says:

      Re: hair or not to hair……..

      I like totally agree with Terry….and I might add I was very surprised that my niece, Chrissy, would even feel that way. That was a complete shocker!!!!

      It’s amazing what you learn about others by reading their journal.

      I really enjoy reading your thoughts, Chrissy, so keep it up. Love You, Aunt Barbara

      • Re: hair or not to hair……..

        Well, two to one, I guess I’m outnumbered! But as they always say: “To Each His Own.” Or “her own,” as the case might be. Good thing there are all types of people in the world: guys with ponytails, and guys with crews cuts, gals who like ponytails, and gals who like crew cuts, so there will always be something out there for everyone, and in the meantime, it keeps the a world a diverse, colorful and interesting place in which to live. 🙂

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