I’ve just been looking at some of the poems that I wrote a long, long time ago, way back when I was in high school. I just felt like sharing some of these. Most of these were written 1974-1975 so I guess I was maybe a senior in high school? I apologize upfront if these poems might be a bit sappy, but I think you at least have to admire the optomist I was.


If you hate to get up in the morning
dreading to meet a flower or face
then the days…go..slow…
but the years passfast
Sorrowful and Empty.

But if you greet the morning
as your oldest and truest friend
(which the morning is)
they you are ALIVE
and Happiness overflows your cup of Time.


If there were no clouds,
could we love the sky for being blue?
If there were no lies
could we love the Truth for being true?


and faces and
traces of times I know
become what I am and live as
I grow


Love isn’t love
unless you make it show.
Love doesn’t say
“You come to me.”
Love goes.


All my earthly joys
are very worthless joys
if I don’t believe that God
will take me when I die.

Happiness will pass
Only Memories last
How glad I’ll be to take them
to the Spirit in the sky.

There is no happiness small
unless there is happiness all
and good feelings about Forever
can quiet the moment’s sigh.

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One Response to POEMS

  1. Anonymous says:

    Sappy Poems

    Hi Chrissie, I just loved your poems and I didnot think they are sappy at all. They are very deep and I truly enjoyed reading them. I read them a few times over to really understand what you were trying to convey. Keep up the poetry writing I think you have something there. Love You!, Aunt Barbara

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