It would be very difficult to live in Tuscaloosa and not be aware of how strongly college football influences everything about this town. Even if you weren’t a fan of the Crimson Tide, you would at least have to admit what a driving force Alabama football is in almost every aspect of the community.

“Roll, Tide!” is an often-repeated battlecry, even during the off-season. Some people even answer their phone that way. When you go to the store, every fourth or fifth person is wearing a crimson hat or shirt or some other indication of their support for the team. I would guess that most people could sooner pick Coach Saban out of a line-up than they could recognize any elected official, other than the President.

Someday I’m going to do a scientific study of how far you have to get from the center of the University before you find a fast food restaurant that doesn’t have at least SOME reference to Alabama football. My guess is that it would be five miles at least.

Above I’ve included a picture from today’s issue of the college newspaper, the Crimson White, showing how many days until kickoff. It’s 51 days, and already we’re counting down! The local weatherman is counting down as well. Every weekend we watch “Crimson Classics” on a local TV station, where highlights from past football games are re-run, and last night we saw a panel of local experts (sports writers and broadcasters, radio commentators, former quarterbacks, etc.) discussing what’s likely in store for the coming season.

Which begins in 51 days.

If you don’t live here, you may not get it. If you DO live here, you can’t NOT get it.

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