One of my life’s chief joys is finding “new music.” And I’ve found some good stuff lately. Which brings up today’s topic: gaspers.
Several years ago I discovered the band Better Than Ezra, and of course they still remain on the top of my all-time favorites list. One of the things I really enjoy about their songs might sound a bit odd. The lead singer, Kevin Griffin, does not have a polished professional voice. He’s just some guy who sings the songs he writes. His voice is not necessarily GOOD, but it’s full of emotion and definitely REAL. And one of the things that makes it real is that when he sings, he often tends to catch a giant breath at the end of the phrase. Maybe not on every line, but enough that if you’re listening for it, it’s really obvious.
I like that. As I said, it’s real. And now I’ve discovered the band Muse. And their lead singer, Matthew Bellamy, does the same thing. Gaspingly…Real.
I know there must be other bands, other singers who tend to do this. And if there are, I want to know who they are. But in the meantime, these are two bands I really enjoy, maybe not specifically because of the gasping of their lead singers, but that bit of stylization is so much a part of their sound, a sound that I love.
Oddly, these bands are, if not exactly “diametrically opposite,” they are at least far enough apart in their particular sound that you would never mistake one for the other. But in both cases, I find that the gasping voice of their lead singers, rather than detracting from the song, only works to make it better. I think if you had the same songs without the gasping, they just wouldn’t be as good.
As I said, you may find this odd, you may call me crazy (Gasp!), but for whatever it’s worth, I’m being real.
Just like my favorite singers.
Muse, British right wing band? kind of a grunge sound, but political message in their songs. Glad to hear you’re listening to the “right” side.
Karin thinks they have a Radio-head sound… I’ve not listed to much of their music, but like what I hear.
Brother John
Re: Muse?
Honestly, I’m not sure if you’re joking about Muse being a “right wing band.” Where does that come from?
My main reason for listening to Muse is for their MUSIC, not their lyrics. In fact, it never struck me that anyone would listen to them for the lyrics, or a particular “message.” As far as I can see, the lyrics are mostly predictable emo stuff, and some of it is pretty nonsensical.
I did some research today and I guess Glenn Beck likes this band, and one of their songs, Uprising, in particular. But I read those lyrics and they are fairly political, but I don’t find them particuarly right-wing. In fact, I think left-wingers could read the very same lyrics and say the song totally supports THEIR view. (“Rise up and take the power back, it’s time that the fat cats had a heart attack” ??) This might be a case of “beauty” (or revolution, or whatever) being in the eye (or ear) of the beholder.
But thanks for the heads-up on Radiohead! I You-tubed them earlier, and I think I’ll have to look into getting some of their music.