I’ve started reading comics, and they’re quite fun. So far, I’ve read the first 10 issues of Spider-Man, and now I’m reading a few of the original Fantastic Four stories. At first I was reluctant to read comics, because I thought it would feel awkward, having to move so quickly between the panels, but I’ve found that it’s really just like reading a book, and it’s also just like watching a movie. Actually, it’s exactly like something precisely between reading a book and watching a movie. And I’m pretty good at both those activities, so I’m finding it quite enjoyable to read comics.
As I’ve mentioned before, Russ has a freelance job writing entries for Mavel Comics’ Official Index to the Marvel Universe, and a few times he’s asked me to proofread what he’s written. In order to proof, I need to know the original story, so in addition to the first ten issues of Spider-man, from way back in 1962, I’ve also read a few of the very most recent issues. (Oh! Another good thing about reading comics: as opposed to reading a book or watching a movie, which is likely to be measured in hours, you can read a comic in a matter of minutes. So good entertainment for busy people!)
It’s kind of interesting to see how much the Spider-Man universe has changed in the last forty-five years or so…and also interesting to see how it HASN’T really changed that much at all. As Russ has explained to me, all comic book characters live in “The Eternal Now.” Which is a very intriguing place, a true fantasyland that is also quite real.
I have a lot more to say about comics, in fact I could go on and on, but being one of those busy people who has way too much to do, even over the Thanksgiving weekend, I’ll save the remainder of this discussion for another time. Right now, I’m off to put away some more laundry and then spend a few minutes with some superheroes!