Russ and I are on vacation this week, and since we couldn’t get to Florida on account of Boogins still not being 100%, and we didn’t want to leave his mom looking after a potentially puking and inappropriately-pooping cat for seven days, we decided to have a “staycation” instead, broken up by a quick overnighter to a nearby attraction.

The attraction we chose was the Pearl River Resort in Mississippi, which is only a couple of hours away. I had never been to a casino before, and Russ only once before, so we thought it would be something fun to try out. We brought as much money as we felt comfortable losing, and marked it as “entertainment.” For our money, we were greatly entertained, and when all was said and done, we actually broke even.

Add to the mix that we had a delicious buffet lunch yesterday (and buffet breakfast this morning), a pleasant drive through some mighty pretty country on the way up and back, and got away from the house, even if only for the shortest time. So all in all, not a bad trip.

But now we are back, and ready to pick up our “staycationing” once again. On the agenda for the next few days: have breakfast at a local restaurant that is noted to have a superb breakfast, but is only open on weekdays, so naturally, we can never get there during the workweek. Also, a possible trip to the Mall (for me, anyway—like most men, Russ is not interested in “windowshopping.”) Saturday morning, a trip to the local library to see if we can pick up any more bargain books. And lots of puttering around the house, watching TV, staying up late, and maybe some file cabinet purging and organizing.

This has been a great time so far. When this week is over, it’s time to get serious about exercising and eating right.

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