The other day I was having random thoughts and I came up with a question which I would like to pose to any ladies who may care to answer (or any gay guys who may be out there!) Here it is:
If you were going to meet the love of your life, and God said to you that you could CHOOSE one thing about his appearance, but the other aspects you had no control over, which would you go for?
—Choosing whether or not he has hair on his head (you young girls may not appreciate this, but when you get to my age this is always a possibility—though I’m just thinking, there are young guys who choose to go bald, so I guess it is a consideration).
—Or you could choose whether he would be short or tall, short meaning relatively short like 5’6″ or 5’7″, and tall meaning relatively tall like 6ft or taller.
—Or you could choose whether or not he wore glasses—and don’t say, “Well, he could always get contacts” because that is not the point.
The point is, this guy is always going to be short, or always going to be tall, or he is always going to have hair or he is always going to be bald, or he is always going to wear glasses, or he is never going to wear glasses. So which of these would be something you would choose…if you could?
If anybody answers, I’ll tell my choice, for whatever it’s worth.
i think my choice would have to be height definatly. i have this thing about not being able to date short guys. so he’d have to be a good height like anywhere between 5’9-6ft lol.i once dated a kid who was like only 2 inches taller than me! it was crazy. consdiering im only like 5’2!!! lol
I would have to agree that HEIGHT is most attractive. Glasses don’t matter that much one way or the other, and on some guys baldness is really attractive (a la Patrick Stewart!) And the other eccentric thing I like is when I see a guy (no matter what he looks like otherwise)wearing a RED SHIRT!!! The ugliest guy can suddenly become quite handsome when he is wearing a red shirt. Or suspenders. Strange, I know, but I really get a kick out of suspenders.
i never noticed the red shirt thing. but i do love boys who wear tight shirts also. if there bodies allow it. lol. and for some reason pink shirts on a guy always gets to me. but hey we all have our werid things ya know! lol
I don’t know… I think I’d like him have to have nice eyes. A lot of people tell me I’m just saying this, but I really don’t care about guys’ appearances that much. I’ve known too many hot jerks and less-than-hot nice guys to care anymore. And if he’s already the love of my life, then that’s all I really want. But nice eyes are always good.
aw tracy i agree, but i still cant date someone whose too close to my height it would be fine it i were your height but no im 5’2! lol ya know its just too odd.
True, true…all true. But you still didn’t answer the question! But okay, if you must go with the eyes…blue or brown?
i know i picked height. but for tracys answer i LOVE blue eyes. super cute! 🙂
Of those three, I’d say the one I care most about is hair. I have a thing for hair.
But, to expand, my ideal would be a relatively short guy (5″2-5″5), dark skin, dark, long hair, and a kilt(or any wierd clothes that show originality really…but kilts the best!). Gotta love the kilt…kilts are just aweosme! But in complete honesty, that only really applies for guys I dont know like random dudes on the street or actors because for guys I would actually pursue a relationship with, physical requirements must equal the following…So long as I dont feel physical pain from looking at them, then I will go out with them (if I lik them enough of course!)
No physical pain! Good point! I get what you mean.